How much leniency should one extend to a film review if it seems the creators aimed for nothing but a subpar B or possibly C-grade horror movie? I believe labeling a film as B-grade or similar allows it to escape criticism too easily. It's like saying, “Oh, you intended it to be bad. Alright, I forgive you.” In many words, I’m expressing that ‘Heart Eyes’ seemed like it didn’t put in much effort and might end up being praised by some as a successful B-horror film. It wasn't good. If it was meant to be a comedy, I didn’t laugh. If it aimed to scare me, I wasn’t startled. If there was supposed to be a twist, I saw it all coming. It might have worked better as a rom-com with antics rather than a slasher film appended. It's gory and cheesy, but fortunately, it doesn’t consume more than 90 minutes of your time. The film's genre confusion left me disoriented and unsure of what to anticipate next. Ultimately, it struggles to determine what it wants from its audience, leaving us perplexed. I suppose some 'Heart Eyes' reviews will excuse it with “Oh, it understood the assignment” … for being a lousy movie.